Monday, 21 September 2015

Are You Mocking Me?

The title has almost nothing to do with the post, aside from the fact that I will, at some point use the word 'mock'.

The title popped into my head as I was trying to figure out what to call it, and it took me a while to remember where I'd heard it (what I thought was a movie quote) before.  As most of my readers will know, I am so very fortunate to have two lovely siblings; an older sister and a younger brother.  And as anyone with siblings will know, the youngest sibling inevitably finds themselves the victim of daily taunting.  No different can be said when it comes to my family.  I/We would tease my younger brother quite regularly, and whenever he caught on to the fact that he was being made fun of, he would say, in a very indignant voice (or as indignant as possible when you're 5), "Are you mocking me?" at which point a back-and-forth banter, quite reminiscent of the opening scene to Bill's Romeo and Juliet (Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?), would commence.  Luckily, my brother's only weapon against me was my incapability to solve certain math equations in my head (he memorized them for the sole reason of using them against me), so the resulting duel was generally short-lived.

Now back to the present! I had a mock lesson today! It went fairly well! They didn't make me explain the differences between the 6 different verb tenses that were the main topic of the writing section I was responsible for! THANK GOD!! If you were in school with me (or were my teacher), you will be quite aware that grammar and spelling are not my forte (thank goodness for spell-check). I was prepared to explain them, but the chances of me confusing not only myself but everyone in the room would have been a probably result of my attempt!

I shadowed the teacher who I'm taking over for during his lesson. Aside from one class, they are all quite energetic and chatty!  Great.  Don't worry! if there's one thing I can do, it's keep a few kids in check! If you've ever managed to annoy me enough to make me yell, you know what I mean (Jokes! I'm not going to yell at them!... Much. hehehe).

When I didn't have classes to observe, another teacher (who was set to shadow me all day as I watched classes) would take me aside and go through books and information in the hopes of giving me what I need in order to not crash and burn on Thursday when I start actually teaching.  Not a simple job! But hopefully possible?!

Anyways, I'm off to bed!

Bon nuit!

"Are you mocking me?" - Greg Brown

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