Friday, 18 September 2015

A week of training...

My first week at my hagwon was quite... how should I put this? Boring? Repetitive? Confusing? A mixture of all the above?

In a nut shell, my work day looked like this;
2:10 - arrive at work.
2:30 - watch another foreign teacher do the on-line homework assigning for the day.
2:40 - training with another foreign teacher, going through the handbook which outlines how to do my job and how to survive a day without being yelled at.
3:00 - fill in answers from an answer booklet into the work books that we use in class (there are a lot of these.  In my one week, I've only managed to fill in a few)
4:00 - 'lunch'
4:30 - return to filling in books.
5:30 - alternate observing classes and filling out books
10:00 - write a daily report to be sent to the supervisors (we can't actually send this is before 10:20.  it's a rule.)
10:30 - a bell goes off, signalling that we are allowed to leave.

I would then go home, crawl into bed, sleep for 4 hours, be woken up by my body who still hasn't adjusted to the time zone (it's getting better... I started off not being able to sleep for more than an hour at a time), and eat something.

I have a mock lesson on Monday and I will begin actually teaching next Thursday! This seems soon and too long at the same time.  Hopefully the mock lesson goes well!

While I wasn't at work or attempting to sleep, I alternated between going to the e-mart and slowly buying everything I needed to feed myself etc, and binge-watching the TV show 'Suits'.

A few nights ago I went to one of the other teacher's apartments and we hung out drinking wine and playing 'cards against humanities' until about 2 in the morning.  It was quite enjoyable :)

This is a pretty boring post, sorry! I'll try to write something more exciting later!

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